
Texturing of solar cell is intended to minimize light reflection and to improve the cell efficiency. Depending on specific silicon wafers used, acidic (ex., HF) or alkaline (ex., NaOH, KOH, TMAH, etc.) texture etchants of appropriate concentrations should be used to maximize surface morphology for the radiation absorption.

One advantage of a texturing procedure (which is common in the Si solar cells) is that it decreases the reflectance of a ray of light from the front surface, causing it to be coupled back into the cell area, thus improving the cell efficiency. Texturing could potentially reduce a high reflection factor of 35% from the front surface down to 10%.

In addition, light refracted at the front surface could be reflected back from the rear surface and escape from the front surface. For thin silicon substrates, this would greatly affect the cell efficiency. Thus a second advantage of texturing is to improve the cell efficiency by reducing reflected light off of rear surface.

Solexir provides 3 different texturing solutions: Solexir-4100FN, Solexir-4200K & Solexir-4300FO:

  • Solexir-4100FN is an acidic solution with a pH of around 2 which demonstrates extreme efficiency for cleaning and texturing Silica at the room temperature.
  •  Solexir-4200K, with a pH around 14,  is a basic solution with mild effects on Silica at 60C.
  • Finally Solexir-4300FO is an almost neutral solution capable of Silica dissolution and texturing at room temperature
  1. Reduction in the initiation time of the etch reaction
  2. Better controlling of the exothermic nature of the process
  3. Higher stability of the etch solution
  4. Lower light reflection