The Solexir Post CMP-120Al cleaner, is an alkaline solution, capable of changing Al2O3 particles to ionic complex of aluminum Al(OH)4-2 which could then easily be repulsed from the surface, due to the existence of strong negative surface zeta potential.
Cleaning Aluminum Oxide slurry particles after CMP process. For more information, please contact us.
Cleaning process:
- Process temperature is at room temperature
- Process time will be between 30 sec to 2 min depending on population of particles on the surface
- Wafers or disks must be first rinsed with Di-water to remove all loose particles, then they can be exposed to CMP -120Al.
- After Post CMP cleaning process, rinse wafers or disks very well with Di-Water.
- Dry the wafers and disks immediately to eliminate airborne contamination
- Mechanically agitating the cleaning solution or using a sonication system during cleaning process is highly recommended.